
Our Faqs

Questions & Answers

May I pay with a cash or M-PESA?

Yes, We accept cash and M-PESA.

Does the fare include tip?

No. The fare does not include tip.

Will I get a call when my car arrives?

As a courtesy to our customers we do attempt to contact all our customers when their drivers are on location.


Yes. Our office is always open and we always offer taxis for immediate dispatch if available. We’re open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There will always be a trained member of staff at the other end of the phone dealing with bookings or queries.

How can I make a complaint or compliment?

Please use our contact form.

May I make a last minute change to my reservation?

Space taxi attempts, to the best of its ability, to accommodate last minute changes

Must I wear a seat belt in a Space taxi car?

For Space taxi, safety comes first. The wearing of seat belts is your own safety.